The purpose of the 荣誉项目 at 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 is to take a leading role in achieving the mission and goals of the whole college. The program strives to meet the needs of academically motivated students by providing resources and options that allow each individual to reach her/his potential in the curriculum of her/his choice.
- 透过学生的智力成就,建立他们的自尊和自信.
- 培养学生的批判性思维, 口头, 视觉, 和写作技巧,培养他们的个人独特性.
- To promote students' attitudes toward life-long learning and instill in them an eagerness to continue the pursuit of intellectual challenges.
- To encourage students to bring their insights to their other classes thereby enriching all learning at 十大彩票平台技术社区学院.
- To stimulate faculty by providing opportunities for instructional experimentation which promotes faculty growth and renewal.
- 为校园和大春田社区提供服务.
完成荣誉课程给了我成就感. 这是超越所有诵读困难者的象征, 低社会经济地位, 第一代, 青少年的父母, 也是研究有色叙事的学生. 这是一段艰难的旅程, 但多亏了荣誉项目, 也是世界上最伟大的STEM教授, Dr. 艾蒂安-莫德斯特,我很自豪地称自己为马萨诸塞州的荣誉学者.Monique Selden-Riley, 十大彩票平台学生受托人
The 十大彩票平台 荣誉项目 offers a challenging academic experience for qualified students who wish to pursue unique study and research opportunities in their major fields of study. 作为一个 联邦荣誉计划, our program offers students who complete the program exclusive transfer opportunities and recognition as Honor students throughout the Commonwealth.
The program is ideal for those students who want to challenge themselves academically and interact with like-minded and driven peers. The 荣誉项目 offers students creative opportunities to explore topics in more depth and to pursue the highest levels of academic achievement at 十大彩票平台.
新生和在校生都有资格参加十大彩票平台荣誉项目. To be eligible to join the 十大彩票平台 荣誉项目 and to take Honors Courses students must meet one of the following criteria:
- 应届高中毕业生:
- 3.高中的平均绩点是5分,或者是3分.0 GPA from a high school honors program - OR - 1000 combined SAT score; --OR--
- 当前的学生:
- 至少修满12个大学学分,保持3分.总绩点2.
学生s who complete the honors program will earn the designation Commonwealth Honors Scholar which will be certified on their official transcripts. 完成该课程并获得该称号的要求如下.
- Completion of three honors experiences (totaling nine credits or more and including at least one Honors Seminar) with a grade of B 或者每门课都做得更好
- 总绩点保持在3分.2或更好的4.0规模
- 学生必须参加:
- 至少一门荣誉研讨会(课程目录中指定为HNR的课程)
- 另外两种荣誉经历(荣誉研讨会)的结合, 荣誉部分, 或传统课程的荣誉附加课程).
其他课程也有一些专门针对荣誉的部分, 包括英语课程,如eng101h, eng - 102 h, 心理学导论(psyp - 101h), 社会学概论(SOC-101H), 与统计学(MAT-115H). =注意:在有荣誉部分的情况下, 如英语- 101h,不运行在一个特定的学期, 鼓励学生做荣誉附加工作.
在十大彩票平台荣誉项目中有三种类型的荣誉经历. 它们的描述如下:
- 荣誉研讨会 are specially designed courses, which emphasize critical thinking, advanced research, and writing. 荣誉研讨会作为HNR课程出现在课程目录中. These courses are open only to students admitted to the 荣誉项目, who have achieved a 3.平均绩点2分或以上. These classes tend to be smaller to employ the seminar form of instruction and may be team-taught.
- 荣誉部分 are specially designated sections of traditional classes, such as: ENG-101H, SOC-101H, BIO-131H. 这些课程可以通过出现在课程编号后面的字母“H”来识别. Honors sections offer students the chance to complete honors work while also filling program-specific requirements and/or General Education requirements.
- 荣誉插件项目 allow the student to pursue the content and subject matter of an existing academic offering in greater depth than is required by the traditional student in the course. 附加部分课程的内容和主题由学生自行制定, 与教授合作,并在需要时得到荣誉项目协调员的协助. 通常, 附加组件通过学术研究论文进行记录, 小组项目, 创造性作品的作品集, 或者在公共论坛上发表演讲. The student must earn a grade of B in the add-on course for the course to be counted as an honors course on the transcript. 荣誉附加选项适用于任何达到3分的学生.2平均绩点. 在学期第四周结束之前, 学习附加组件的学生必须完成 附加合同 并提交给荣誉协调员约翰·迪夫利教授 jjdiffley@prettyvalidsims.com.
The 十大彩票平台 荣誉项目 guarantees admission to state 4-year college and university 荣誉项目s to all students who graduate from a 联邦荣誉计划 at a community college and are accepted for transfer at that particular college or university.
After completing one Honors Experience, students gain access to the 十大彩票平台 Honors 学生 Lounge. 荣誉休息室是荣誉学生聚会社交和完成工作的地方. 休息室包括访问台式电脑,会议区,冰箱,和更多.
The Board of Higher Education accepted the report of the 联邦荣誉计划 Executive Committee and renewed the membership of 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 in the 联邦荣誉计划 for six years, 2014年11月生效.
约翰J. Diffley. J.D.
普特南大厅(B17), 241室
电子邮件: jjdiffley@prettyvalidsims.com
这有助于磨练我的批判性思维和沟通能力. 我总是喜欢接受新的挑战. 我强烈地感觉到荣誉课程把我从自己的舒适区推了出来.妮可Bedard 十大彩票平台荣誉课程学生